Resilience in all its forms has never been more important. The threat landscape for modern businesses is significantly complex and constantly changing. We specialise in establishing a business continuity and resilience strategy which puts your business on a sound footing to weather these threats.
Threats to the modern business are numerous. Cyber-attacks, including ransomware, third party and supply chain failures or disruptions are some of the most impactful. But a business which does not properly understand how it operates, is just as likely to disrupt itself through failed change or other internal issues.
Our experience is born out of business continuity management and of crafting new operational resilience regulations for financial services.
The principles and outcomes that financial services regulation is prescribing are just as applicable to any firm which cares about it's own operational resilience and impact to customers.
Effective business continuity management should be the centre of any operational resilience strategy. If you're not ready for operational resilience but need help with business continuity, we can help you.
We created the term operational resilience. So we know if better than anyone. If you are a regulated financial services firm with compliance and implementation challenges, talk to us.
If you're a non-financial services firm and want to learn more and embark upon a transformation from business continuity to operational resilience, talk to us.
DORA is an expansive set of requirements. And that makes their implementation challenging. With our unique insight into the intended purpose of these regulations, we can help you craft the right strategy and implementation approach.